Millions of Ukrainians live throughout the world and maintain their connection with their roots through the performing arts. The International Ukrainian Dance & Culture Festival (IUDCF) is an opportunity for Ukrainian dancers & performers from around the world to share their passion for Ukrainian dance with each other and others from all corners of the Earth.
IUDCF takes place in the magical city of Lviv, Ukraine – a real life wonderland, which everyone should visit at least once!
Every year, we want to feature not just the talent from around the world of Ukrainian diaspora, but also the truly amazing ensembles from around Ukraine!
Every year we pick a renowned Ukrainian song and dance ensemble as our Host Group, which for years has been promoting the art of Ukrainian dance, putting on workshops and seminars for Ukrainian dancers and singers from around the world!
The Festival gives participants a chance to learn from true gurus of Ukrainian dance, song and music, perform for an international audience and truly represent their country and their community!
It is thanks to groups and individuals like yourselves that the Ukrainian spirit, culture and traditions live on, withstanding time and distances.
Join us August 14-17, 2020 to perform, see other performances, take workshops and celebrate one of the most exciting moments in modern Ukrainian cultural history!
Please Note: the Festival is open to groups, individual performers, as well as people who enjoy Ukrainian performing arts and want to participate as audience members!
Festival Organizers & Partners

Lviv Region Department of the Ukrainian Cultural Foundation

Vincent Rees
Organizing Committee
Vincent Rees - Ukrainian Dance: Connoisseur / Owner: Cobblestone Freeway Tours
Vincent Rees has been a prolific dancer, director, choreographer and connoisseur of Ukrainian dance, art and culture for many years. Raised in Victoria BC, Vincent moved to Edmonton to join the Ukrainian Shumka Dancers and competed a Masters in Cultural Studies at the Uof A. This led to the creation of Cobblestone Freeway – Cultural & Adventure Tours where he shares his passion for Ukrainian culture and travel with the world.

Our logo is a журавель (crane) or лелека (stork), which fly away for a while but always come back to their native land.
It is symbolic for Ukrainians living around the world who have left their native land to built their nests elsewhere but never forget the culture of their ancestors!